    title      = {Algebraic independence results on the generating Lambert series of the powers of a fixed integer},
    author     = {Peter Bundschuh and Keijo Väänänen},
    url        = {https://hrj.episciences.org/1358},
    doi        = {10.46298/hrj.2015.1358},
    journal    = {Hardy-Ramanujan Journal},
    issn       = {2804-7370},
    volume     = {Volume 38 - 2015},
    eid        = 3,
    year       = {2015},
    month      = {Jan},
    keywords   = {algebraic independence of functions, Mahler's method, Algebraic independence of numbers, 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification 11J91, 11J81, 39B32, [MATH] Mathematics [math]},
    language   = {English},