Aleksandar Ivić - Large values of some zeta-functions near the line $\sigma = 1.$

hrj:104 - Hardy-Ramanujan Journal, January 1, 1988, Volume 11 - 1988 -
Large values of some zeta-functions near the line $\sigma = 1.$Article

Authors: Aleksandar Ivić 1

  • 1 Katedra Matematike

Large values estimates of $|\zeta(\sigma + it)|$ over a set of well-spaced points are obtained, when $\sigma$ is close to the line $\sigma = 1$. Analogous results are obtained for zeta-functions of cusp forms and the Dedekind zeta-funciton.

Volume: Volume 11 - 1988
Published on: January 1, 1988
Imported on: March 3, 2015
Keywords: large values,the Dedekind zeta-function,Fourier coefficients,Riemann zeta-function,zeta-functions of cusp forms,[MATH] Mathematics [math]

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