Shanta Laishram - Baker's Explicit abc-Conjecture and Waring's problem

hrj:1360 - Hardy-Ramanujan Journal, January 1, 2015, Volume 38 - 2015 -
Baker's Explicit abc-Conjecture and Waring's problemArticle

Authors: Shanta Laishram 1

  • 1 Statistics and Mathematics Unit

The conjecture of Masser-Oesterlé, popularly known as abc-conjecture has many consequences. We show that Waring's problem is a consequence of an explicit version of abc−conjecture due to Baker.

Volume: Volume 38 - 2015
Published on: January 1, 2015
Imported on: January 14, 2016
Keywords: ABC Conjecture,Waring's problem ,2010 Mathematics Subject Classification 11D41, 11D75, 11E76, 11P05,[MATH] Mathematics [math]

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