K G Bhat ; K Ramachandra - A remark on a theorem of A. E. Ingham.

hrj:155 - Hardy-Ramanujan Journal, January 1, 2006, Volume 29 - 2006 - https://doi.org/10.46298/hrj.2006.155
A remark on a theorem of A. E. Ingham.Article

Authors: K G Bhat 1; K Ramachandra 2

Referring to a theorem of A. E. Ingham, that for all $N\geq N_0$ (an absolute constant), the inequality $N^3\leq p\leq(N+1)^3$ is solvable in a prime $p$, we point out in this paper that it is implicit that he has actually proved that $\pi(x+h)-\pi(x) \sim h(\log x)^{-1}$ where $h=x^c$ and $c (>\frac{5}{8})$ is any constant. Further, we point out that even this stronger form can be proved without using the functional equation of $\zeta(s)$.

Volume: Volume 29 - 2006
Published on: January 1, 2006
Imported on: March 3, 2015
Keywords: Littlewood, Weyl, Hurwitz Zeta-function, Hardy, Riemann Zeta-function,Analytic Number Theory,[MATH] Mathematics [math]

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