Kim Byungchan - A Reinforcement Learning Based Algorithm to Find a Triangular Graham Partition

hrj:7434 - Hardy-Ramanujan Journal, May 6, 2021, Volume 43 - Special Commemorative volume in honour of Srinivasa Ramanujan - 2020 -
A Reinforcement Learning Based Algorithm to Find a Triangular Graham PartitionArticle

Authors: Kim Byungchan 1

  • 1 School of liberal Arts - University of Science and Technology

International audience

Volume: Volume 43 - Special Commemorative volume in honour of Srinivasa Ramanujan - 2020
Published on: May 6, 2021
Accepted on: May 6, 2021
Submitted on: April 30, 2021
Keywords: Graham partition,triangular number,reinforcement learning,genetic algorithm,2010 Mathematics Subject Classification.11P81 and 05A17,[MATH]Mathematics [math]

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